Iraqi Medical Research Center
( None profit organization)

Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal ISSN 2957-6067
Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes 4 issues per year, focusing mainly on full research papers that cover different aspects of applied and pure Medical and Pharmaceutical science.
ISSN 2957-6067 (Online) and DOI: 10.55940/medphar
Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal covers the following subject areas: Basic Medical sciences, pharmaceutical science, Pharmacology, pathology, histology, surgery, and pharmaceutics.
Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
The articles published in Med. Pharm. J. is indexed by Google Scholar, etc. The Journal welcomes the submission of scholarly work of science from professionals that meet the stipulated criteria concerning significance, value, and scientific excellence. Publication in the Journal is Free of Charge
. We look forward to receiving your scholarly work for publication in MPhJ. Bibliographic Details Frequency: quarterly
Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal Journal Abbreviation: Med. Pharm. J. ISSN: 2957-6067
Publisher Information
The Iraqi Medical Research Center is a non-profit organization that was established in 2018 at the DR Hany Akeel Institute. Our first institute was dedicated to teaching pharmacy equivalency students in the private sector. In 2019, we began teaching post-graduate and pharmacy students. Finally, we expanded our institutes to provide information about publishing and conducting medical research.
Currently, we have three offices—one located beside the University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy and the other in Alqadisia, Baghdad, Iraq.
Our aim is to improve the quality and knowledge of medical research in Iraq, by providing access to high-quality education, resources, and support for students, researchers, and healthcare professionals.
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