Hepatoprotective Effects of Carissa spinarum Extract on Carbon Tetra Chloride Induced Liver Damage in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Hepatoprotective, Zebrafish, Danio rerio, Carissa spinarum, toxicity studiesAbstract
Objectives: A study was performed to check if the leaf extract of the plant Carissa spinarum exhibits a hepatoprotective effect. As there is an increase in demand for hepatoprotective drugs, this study was an attempt to introduce an alternative to hepatoprotective drugs.
Material and Methods: An acute toxicity study was performed on adult wild strain Zebrafish (Danio rerio), and carbon tetra chloride (5 ppm) (parts per million) was utilized to induce hepatic damage. A preliminary study was also performed for the standardization of doses. Animals were divided into seven groups, consisting of 10 each, and treated with an aqua-alcoholic extract prepared from the shadow dried leaves of the plant Carissa spinarum at doses of 0.5 ppm, 1 ppm, and 2 ppm. Silymarin (50 ppm) was used as a standard hepatoprotective drug.
Results: Groups received plant extract at doses of 0.5 ppm, 1 ppm, and 2 ppm; a hepatic-protective effect was seen in all these groups. The most hepatic-protective effect was seen at the highest dose (2 ppm). Phytochemical studies also verified the presence of various plant secondary metabolites.
Conclusions: The whole experiment was aimed at finding out the hepatoprotective effect of an extract prepared from the leaves of the plant Carissa spinarum. After the administration of the plant extract, it helped the liver and other organs heal faster, which proves it also exhibits regenerative properties.
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