Reviewer Guideline

Reviewer Guidelines for Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal


Welcome to all in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal reviewing community. Your invaluable contributions further our dedication to honesty in scientific publication and to research excellence.

Double-Blinded Review Process

Our journal employs a double-blinded review process to ensure unbiased and fair evaluation of manuscripts. In this process:

  • The identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed from each other.
  • Your role as a reviewer is to assess the content of the manuscript without bias or influence from knowing who the authors are.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

  • Confidentiality: Keep the contents of the document strictly private. Don't discuss anything about the text with anybody else.
  • Objectivity: Provide an impartial assessment of the manuscript, solely based on its academic and scientific merit.
  • Timeliness: Follow the review schedule that the editorial staff has supplied. Timely reviews play a major role in improving the publication process's effectiveness.

Criteria for Manuscript Evaluation

  • Originality and Contribution: Evaluate the manuscript for its originality and contribution to the field.
  • Methodology: Evaluate the procedures to make sure they are accurate, suitable, and repeatable in light of the available data.
  • Results and Interpretation: Ensure that the results are clearly presented and support the conclusions. Check for logical consistency and statistical validity.
  • Presentation and Clarity: Assess the manuscript for its organization, clarity of expression, and adherence to journal formatting guidelines.

Providing Feedback

  • Constructive Comments: Offer clear, constructive, and specific feedback to help authors improve their work.
  • Highlight Strengths and Weaknesses: Clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, providing suggestions for improvement.
  • Recommendations: State your recommendation (accept, minor revisions, major revisions, reject) and provide a rationale for your decision.

Conflict of Interest

  • If you have any conflicts of interest that might compromise your review, please inform the editorial team immediately.

Completing Your Review

  • Use the online submission system to submit your review.
  • Fill out the review form and provide detailed comments in the space provided.

Contacting the Editorial Team

If you have any questions or need clarification about the review process, please do not hesitate to contact the editorial team at


We really value your assistance and knowledge in evaluating submissions for the Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal. Your commitment is essential to maintaining our journal's caliber and integrity.

Please Note that all reviewers must fill out the Review Report 2023 download