Doxorubicin Side Effects and Its Uses a new update: A narrative review


  • Hussein Murad Hadi Pathological Analysis Department, College of Applied Sciences, Samarra University, Samarra Iraq
  • Aqeel Rafae Pathological Analysis Department, College of Applied Sciences, Samarra University, Samarra Iraq
  • Nael Majed Hussein Pathological Analysis Department, College of Applied Sciences, Samarra University, Samarra Iraq
  • Enas Helou Abdul Hussein Pathological Analysis Department, College of Applied Sciences, Samarra University, Samarra Iraq


Doxorubicin, Neoplasms, Antimetabolites, Leukemia


Background: Doxorubicin is considered one of the best drugs used to treat leukemia, but it has many other uses such as Antimalarial effect and anticancer in general. In this research, we will talk about Doxorubicin, its uses, and treatment methods, in addition to its side effects, especially the cardiotoxicity side effect, and related effects on the heart.

Object: To summarize the uses and side effects of new dosage forms of doxorubicin

Materials and Method: We searched by using Google Scholar and PubMed sites and used several Keywords such as Doxorubicin is a mechanism of action, Doxorubicin toxicity and side effects, and new uses of doxorubicin and from a total of 180 studies, we got 40 articles that included side effects and problems that could result from it. We excluded the use of doxorubicin cardiotoxicity in heart patients, pregnant women, and other uses.

Results: Adriamycin or Doxorubicin this medication is categorized as an antimetabolite or anti-tumor medication. By interfering with DNA, act by inserting and preventing the formation of macromolecules, doxorubicin interacts with DNA, doxorubicin used for the treatment of leukemia, and antimalaria drug, with several side effects such as hair loss,

Conclusion: We concluded that Doxorubicin, despite its side effects, is still used in the treatment of many Diseases, as it has been proven to be effective up to 90% for treating leukemia and some other diseases. As you know, leukemia is a type of cancer.


Author Biography

Aqeel Rafae , Pathological Analysis Department, College of Applied Sciences, Samarra University, Samarra Iraq

Pathological Analysis Department, College of Applied Sciences, Samarra University,  Samarra Iraq




How to Cite

Hadi HM, Shahada AR, Hussein NM, Hussein EHA. Doxorubicin Side Effects and Its Uses a new update: A narrative review. Arabian J. Drug Res. [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];1(1):1-6. Available from:


